JULY and AUGUST: Thursdays at 7.30PM
MAY, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, and OCTOBER: Thursdays at 5.30PM
* Ganadería Son Martorellet S.L. reserves the right to modify or suspend the shows, change the planned production, the dates, the times and the announced activities.
* In the months of May and October we do fewer shows, please contact us if you want more information about these dates, and to keep up to date follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Side seats not numbered
Numbered and front seats
“ Please keep in mind that you should be at Son Martorellet an hour before the start of the show so that you can take part in the stables tour”
If you are interested in buying your tickets online but it does not work correctly, please contact us by email: sonmartorellet@gmail.com or call us: +34 639 156 851 (Whatsapp available)